Germany calling (and Italy, too!)


Hi all. It’s non stop here in Loopy Towers. So let’s start with the big news. The German translation of my Loopyworld book has now been released, so a massive thank you to Matthias and his team. They have already sold 500 copies in pre-sale, so we expect big things out of this. Currently there […]

Italy Tour and much more…


Hi gang. Well, here we are again after two really successful trips to Italy, which saw the release of the Italian edition of Loopyworld, and the subsequent rise to number one in the Amazon heavy metal book chart. I can’t thank Max and his team at Tsunami enough for everything they have done and are […]

Loopy goes almost global


Hi all. I’m off to Italy, twice in the next 5 or 6 weeks. Due to the release of the Italian version of my book, I’m going to Pescara first, on June 17th to the HaiBin Rock Festival, featuring Dennis Stratton, to do a Q&A session, interviews and whatever else they throw at me. Then […]

Birthday Giveaway 2022


Hi all. It’s my 65th birthday on Sunday, so I’m having my annual £5 off the loopyworld book sale. If you want to grab a bargain, then follow the links to the book on my site and hit the right button. I will do the rest. You may have noticed that thing’s have been a […]

It’s Xmas again!

Hi all. As another Christmas creeps towards us, it’s time to spread some cheer. Bah humbug! Only joking. I love it as much as Eddie. For one week (7 days) only, I have reduced the Loopyworld-The Iron Maiden Years book and postage by £5 to all destinations. This will give you the chance to get […]

40th Iron Maiden anniversary and much more

Hi all. These past couple of months have had its fair amount of high’s and lows, some I will explain and some I won’t dwell on for too long. First of all, I will get the sad part out of the way. Sharron, my lovely wife, lost her father a few weeks back. Of course, […]


Hi guys, it’s been a while. It’s been a little busy over the last couple of months, so here’s just a few things that have kept me entertained. My good friend Antonio Biggio has written a fascinating murder/mystery book called Eddie Must Die. Yes, that Eddie! The initial story is written in Italian, but there […]


Hi all. I hope this finds you all safe and well.  First of all, I will start with something that might by glaringly obvious to some of you, but you may have noticed that we don’t yet have a gallery. Adding more storage can be costly and we are running on a limited budget. Having […]

From the Lockdown


Hi all. Are you getting bored yet? I am, that’s for sure. It’s like a never ending waiting game. Waiting for this pandemic to end. Waiting for our vaccines. Waiting for the weather to get better in the northern hemisphere. Waiting to get to the pub and meet your friends. The list goes on. So, […]


Hi all.  Due to Royal Mail postage costs rising yet again, I have had to put the price of my book postage up to coincide with Royal Mail, but I can guarantee that the new prices will be frozen for at least 18 months, until July 2022. All new prices have been added already, and […]

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