Hi all.
I’m off to Italy, twice in the next 5 or 6 weeks. Due to the release of the Italian version of my book, I’m going to Pescara first, on June 17th to the HaiBin Rock Festival, featuring Dennis Stratton, to do a Q&A session, interviews and whatever else they throw at me.
Then I go back to Italy on July 6th to do some more book related work in Bologna. Ironically, there’s a certain band playing the following night at the Sonic Park, so I will go and pay a visit to a few old mates, before flying home at ridiculous o’clock the next morning. Hopefully I will get to see some of you lovely people there. On both visits, I will be accompanied by my good friend and official translator, Antonio Biggio. Check out his book, Eddie Must Die, which amazingly was edited by me.
As well as the Italian version of Loopyworld, there is also a Finnish version, but I don’t have a release date for it yet. But I will be making an appearance at Beast Feast in Helsinki on July 23rd, again with Dennis Stratton, and former Bruce Dickinson bass guru Chris Dale. All this flying on Ryanair will definitely help towards my hip replacement. lol
And then there is the German version of Loopyworld, but as I write this, I have no info on a release date, or much else. There has been no talk of a visit to Germany, but I hope something can be worked out before the snow comes in. I hate snow.
Just a short bulletin. I’m sure you will have some questions, but please make them in English. Our translator bot has an IQ of 4.
See ya soon people.