
Hi everyone and Merry Christmas to you all.

Sorry about the delay in my updates, but these are strange times and certain things become more important than others. I’m sure you understand.

As you can see, the shop is now up and running, and we have a clear favourite amongst the buyers, the unisex sand coloured t shirt. So, for obvious reasons we will be keeping that one in stock, but we have identified a few problems with some of the other designs and have decided to start again. This means that in the new year we will be selling an almost entirely new wardrobe, if that makes sense. The new unisex hoodie looks absolutely fantastic with it’s hi res finish, and from now on, all shirts will be of the same high quality finish, thanks to the hard work put in by my good friend Antonio.

Every now and then, you might notice a small change being made to this site, and that is to keep it looking as fresh and as up to date as we can. We have just done the same to the Satellite 664 site, and I think it looks so much better. Go and check it out at http://www.satellite664.com 

That’s enough of my babbling.

Have a great festive season, and I’ll see you in the New Year

Stay safe


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