My statement about Paul

Hello Friends,

I’m sure a lot of you know how close Paul and I were, especially in the ‘early’ years. Inseparable is the word I was looking for. Yep, we were that!

Of course, things don’t always last, and we went our separate ways, but stayed in touch with each other throughout the latter years. Social pages are great (without the adverts).

And now he’s gone. He has ceased to be. That lovable rogue is no more.

I was stunned to start with. I couldn’t believe it, and thought it was someone playing a pretty sick practical joke.

And then it sunk in.

I felt empty. Like somebody had kicked the shit out of me, and then kicked me again for shitting.

You see, I try and be funny, but for me, trying to be funny is a built-in defence mechanism. It hides my true feelings. And right now, I don’t know what my true feelings are.

Maybe I will know soon!

I would like to thank every single one of you for the love and support you have shown me. I had no idea of how many of you there were.

Life is short and we should embrace that, and make the most of it.

But now I seek some private time to reflect and remember the good times.

Thank you.

Loopy. xxx blank

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